Hello Kawaga Alumni!
To signup for 2018 Kawaga Alumni Fantasy Weekend, Please CLICK HERE.
Whether it’s been five years or 50 years since you’ve spent a summer on the Shores, you’ll never forget your first tapping ceremony, running to archery on D2, sitting on sunset dock, or staying up late talking to your cabin mates. We know you can’t be a camper forever, but you will always be a member of the Kawaga Nation. One-hundred years and counting! You are indeed part of something special, and there are many ways for you to stay connected.
The Kawaga Spirit is alive and well. Our unique yet shared experience — and the values Kawaga continues to stand for — are something we’re so fortunate to have had in our lives. We should continue being connected and being a part of Camp. And, we should do our part to assure that generations more will continue to experience the magic that we know as Kawaga. Be Kawaga!
As part of our Alumni celebration, a tribute video was created that we want to share with all of our Kawaga family.
Please enjoy this special tribute to 100 years of Kawaga. –>
Now’s the time to start planning for Alumni Weekend 2016! Please clear your calendars for June 7-10, 2018. This past summer’s event was nothing short of amazing. Let’s make Alumni Weekend an ongoing tradition!